The New Irish Arts Center is so much more than a building. It's a new way of thinking about who we are and how we engage with the world. A place for people of all backgrounds to come together to celebrate the excellence and dynamism of Irish arts and culture. An artistic home for collaboration and innovation, a platform for presentation, a seedbed of ideas. A gateway to the the global diaspora.
“[Irish Arts Center's] capacity to change the arc in the careers of many artists, performers, dancers, writers, painters and musicians is enormous. And if the vision for its future is supported...then the sphere of its influence will increase proportionately.” —Bill Whelan

Irish immigrants and their descendants helped build everything from subway tunnels and skyscrapers to corporations, political dynasties, and great art. We cleaned houses, nursed the sick, and policed our streets. The New Irish Arts Center will provide a cultural home for the Irish community to come together to pay tribute to those who came before us—and tell our stories in fellowship with people of all backgrounds.
Support UsArtists

Our warm creative environment and high standards of excellence attracts innovative, virtuosic and dynamic Irish and Irish American talent, providing artists a place to collaborate with artistic peers from a range of backgrounds, a gateway to the dynamic New York and U.S. cultural ecosystem, and access to the robust community of civic, business, media, and philanthropic leaders who comprise our wonderful family of supporters.
Support UsNeighborhood

The New Irish Arts Center anchors the emerging culture cluster on Manhattan’s far west side, stimulating the neighborhood economy of hotels, restaurants, and small businesses that serve our expanding residential community and growing tourist footprint. Located in the heart of Hell's Kitchen, booming with residential and commercial development, our new building serves as a cultural home for our neighbors, local community groups, and small businesses.
Support UsCitywide

While our new building will finally provide us with a permanent home, we will redouble our commitment to our many institutional partnerships that strengthen our company, help us innovate, and broaden our reach. We look forward to continued collaborations with our like-minded institutions like Baryshnikov Arts Center, St. Ann's Warehouse, BAM, Symphony Space, Glucksman Ireland House/NYU, and so many others. At the same time, we will expand civic initiatives like Irish Arts Center Book Day, which distributes thousands of free books to New Yorkers across all five boroughs.
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